Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The real India

The real India does not travel in Metros. The real India does not use expressways or flyovers. The real India is not bothered about some volcano erupting in some obscure country.

The real India wants food, shelter and a good health. The most luxury it wants is a light in its home. If we haven’t been able to provide this in 62 years of independence, all these years have gone in waste. We have been a failed state. Face it. When there is gaping valley between the haves and the have-nots, its time you accepted the fact.

All the engineers building beautiful bridges, spare a thought for the real India. These bridges, these huge buildings are a way to divert the attention of the masses to non-existent problems. Why will population in cities increase? When there is nothing to do in villages. When the crops dry up due to drought. When high profile dams are completed but not their canals. When cottage industries shut down due to cheap foreign made shit. Then they say they need wider roads to accommodate this population.

We don’t need to host the Commonwealth Games. When it requires us to push the real India out of the city, to show the westernized city. We should stop trying to become INDIA, the name given to us by western invaders. We are Bhaarat, we are Hindustan. We don’t need expressways. We don’t need BMWs, Mercs. We need food, water, shelter. Very simple it is.

Then why have 62 years passed without complete addressal of the problem.

What do you do when you see a beggar on the road? Out of your air-conditioned car window. You give him a rupee? 10 rupees? 100rupees?? Ever wondered what happens to that money? What does that beggar do with it? Maybe he buys food for his family. Maybe he will collect it and invest in a new plastic sheet to protect his family in the monsoon months. Or maybe he will buy tobacco for himself and his family. Maybe he will buy liquor for himself, to make him forget his worries. To make him forget that he has a family. A family on some footpath of the city. He might not even be sure his shanty home will be there when he gets back. It might be sacrificed to the city’s ambitions. If you cannot address the problem at the root then you might as well turn a blind eye to it. To give alms to the beggar is never the solution.

Thank God if you are able to read this. It means you have a computer, an access to internet. And you are aware enough to have a facebook account. How many people in this country have not heard of internet in their life? Spare a thought. They are Bhaarat.

It might sound like a communism. But this is the fact. An extreme part of this thought process is called naxalism. Was moved to tears seeing the suffering of a small not-yet-able-to-speak child, don’t remember after how many years, when I was getting all worked up due to a stomach problem.

So next time, dont fuss about a little sweat when travelling. Think of the people who are afraid to sweat, lest they dont have the resources to replenish those droplets of salt and water.

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